Individuality and differences should be considered in child development. Love and warmth from teachers also plays a vital key by enhancing students’ sense of security and belonging. Executive Functions of the Brain (EF) helps students to develop thinking skills, link past and new experiences, analyze and find out reasons as well as have flexibility and self -control. Executive Function skills development plays an important role in every student’s way of life in the future.
There are many theories and research that children learn best through hands on experiences and that active learning is the heart of learning. The most effective way of learning is play-based learning through holistic activities. Kukai Kindergarten’s teachers use open-ended questions with their students which allow students to think, experiment and conclude in what they are exploring. Students will be educated to understand that answers to their questions cannot only be found inside the classrooms or in school but it can be found outside of school. Therefore, learning outside of the classrooms, inviting experts to come into school, taking field trips to find out answers to their questions are what we offer here at Kukai Kindergarten.